About Us
In anticipation of what was to come it became very clear that the mental health of our soldiers would need supporting. Brush was born out of the immediate and long term needs of those defending our homeland. Brush has one function - to help provide care for the mental health of our soldiers using conventional and leading researched and proven less conventional therapies.
Research has shown that before the horrific terror attack on October 7th, more than 15% of combat soldiers suffer from symptoms of PTSD, including night terrors. In anticipation of what was to come Post-October 7th and the war on terror that followed, the demand for early PTSD prevention and treatment, as well as other mental health issues, has grown exponentially. At Brush, we aim to help answer this huge demand, particularly among the courageous soldiers who have faced unimaginable challenges.
~ 01
Facilitate Access
to Varied Therapies
~ 02
Educate Families
and Loved Ones
~ 03
Raise Awareness
and Eradicate Stigma
~ 04
Champion Innovation
in PTSD Treatment
Michael Kahan
Co Founder & Co CEO
Ilan Preiss
Co Founder & Co CEO
Neil Corney
Board Member &
Corporate Sponsorship
Carl Linde
Board Member &
Director of Development
Gila Tolub
Board Member &
Strategic Director
Kerry Rosenfeld
Board Member &
Strategic Consultant
Bar Ben Vakil
Board Member &
Artist Liason
Sara Freedman
Part of Scientific Advisory Board
Adi Matzner &
Naama Chudzik
Design Team